Edward S. Hill, Esq., CRE Law Blog
Tuesday, September 10, 2013
Attorney Edward S. Hill will be one of the presenters at the October 17, 2013 meeting of the Real Property Section of the Connecticut Bar Association. The program will discuss highlights of the recently published Connecticut Common Interest Ownership Manual, Second Edition, of which Mr. Hill is a lead author, and provide updates on documentation changes and best practices in the creation of condominium documentation.
Sunday, September 1, 2013
Edward S. Hill, Esq., is a lead author of Connecticut Common Interest Ownership Manual, Second Edition, published in September by the Connecticut Bar Association LawFirst publishing division. The book provides updated models of documents for the creation, operation, and governance of condominiums, co-ops and planned unit developments that reflect changes in the law and current best practices. Along with model documents, the Manual includes extensive commentary to assist the drafter to prepare modern effect documents. It completely updates materials of the original Manual that have served as the model for virtually all condominiums in Connecticut since it was published in 1984.
Monday, June 17, 2013
Edward S. Hill made a presentation at the Annual Meeting of the Connecticut Bar Association held in Hartford on June 17, 2013. He was one of the presenters in the program entitled “CIOA Turns Thirty!” He and his fellow participants reviewed recent changes in the condominium law and practice.
Wednesday, April 24, 2013
Edward S. Hill, Esq., CRE presented at and moderated a Business Issues Forum on Public/Private Partnerships (“P3”) at the Counselors of Real Estate Midyear Meeting in Chicago on April 24. Mr. Hill discussed the University of Hartford Handel Performing Arts Center Project and the Storrs Center Project as background for the panel discussion. He then moderated a panel which discussed the goals and objectives of the public and private parties in P3 deals. The panel consisted of the developer of the 500 acre Lakeside redevelopment of the former U.S. Steel plant in Chicago, a representative of the City of Chicago, and an advisor to the New World Center development in Miami, Florida. The Counselors of Real Estate is a invitation-only membership organization of approximately 1,100 real estate advisors worldwide. Membership is awarded only through peer, employer and client review.
Saturday, March 9, 2013
Edward S. Hill presented at Community Association Institute, Connecticut Chapter, Annual Meeting, held on March 9, 2013 in Southington, Connecticut. The program was called “Defense! Defense! Financial Security/Fraud Prevention.” He discussed steps that could be taken to help reduce the risk of loss to owner associations from those handling association funds.
Thursday, June 28, 2012
Attorney Edward Hill gave an educational program to the members of the CCIM Connecticut Chapter at its meeting on June 28, 2012 in Wallingford, Connecticut. The program “Real Estate Title Searching” explained the title searching process to the audience comprised of mostly commercial real estate brokers to assist them in facilitating transactions they work on.
Tuesday, May 8, 2012
Attorney Edward Hill did a program for the Connecticut Chapter of CCIM at their meeting on May 8, 2012 in Stamford, Connecticut. The program, “Due Diligence: What You Need to Know to Facilitate and Add Value to Your Deals” explained the due diligence process and discussed ways that the commercial broker could assist in the due diligence process to add value to their brokerage services.
Friday, April 20, 2012
Edward S. Hill, Esq., has recently been appointed to the Public Building Commission of the Town Council of Cheshire, Connecticut. The Public Building Commission (PBC) of Cheshire (a suburban town just north of New Haven, Connecticut, whose population is about 30,000) is responsible for assuring the Town of the best possible facilities at the lowest cost. The PBC is composed of nine members who are qualified by expertise and training in architecture, engineering, finance, building construction, and law. Its duties include, review and approval of designs of public buildings, development of cost estimates, compliance with applicable requirements (grant restrictions and town regulations), and, as assigned by the Town Council, management of bidding, construction management, and site feasibility and selection.
